711 Burruss Dr.Blacksburg, VA
Cell: 704 773 2721
1996-1998 Master of Fine Arts – School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1992-1996 Bachelor of Fine Arts – Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
2018 World 16 project, at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
Training in utilizing point cloud data in VR applications with UC-Win/Road software
2017 World 16 project, at University of MIT, Boston, Massachusetts
Training in utilizing point cloud data in VR applications with UC-Win/Road software
2016 World 16 project, in Osaka, Japan
Training in utilizing point cloud data in VR applications with UC-Win/Road software
2015 World 16 project, in Thessaloniki and Chalkidiki, Greece
Training in utilizing point cloud data in VR applications with UC-Win/Road software
2014 World 16 project, at University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Training in utilizing point cloud data in VR applications with UC-Win/Road software and projection mapping seminar
2013 FARO Laser Scanner training in Kennett Square, PA
Training how to use the FARO laser scanner and 3D applications
2013 Qualisys motion capture training on hardware and software at ICAT, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
2011 World 16 project, at University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Training in utilizing VR applications with UC-Win/Road software.
2010 World 16 project, at University of California in Santa Barbara
Training in utilizing VR applications with UC-Win/Road software.
2009 World 16 project, at Forum 8, Tokyo, Japan
Training in utilizing VR applications with UC-Win/Road software.
2005 Escape Studios Ltd., London, UK
Maya data flow/node structure, MEL and conditional testing (data types, syntax and flow control), indoor and outdoor illumination techniques, conditional dynamic events, scripted/expression based activation and instigation of dynamic elements based on rules, element driven particles, seed driven controlled elements (crowd) control within a multi-element system.
2012-Present Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
Position: Director of MFA Creative Technologies Program, Chair of BFA Creative Technologies Program, Associate Professor with Tenure, The School of Visual Arts, Creative Technologies, College of Architecture and Urban Planning and Fellow at Institute for Creative Art and Technologies
Teaching Responsibilities: Intro to 3D Animation, Animation, CG Visual Effects, Tools for Visualization, Projection Mapping, Video Gaming, 3D Heritage, Grad Seminar and Beginning and Advanced Character Modeling
Other Responsibilities include: University Research Committee, Associate Dean Review Committee, Curriculum Development, Scholarship Committee, Undergrad Portfolio Review, MFA Portfolio Review, Thesis Advisor for Undergrad, Graduate Students, Curriculum Committee, Photography, Multi-Media, Gaming and Animation Search Committee, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Program SOVA Director Five-year Review Committee, SOVA XCOM Committee, Member of Bioinspired Science & Technology Center (BIST), University Undergraduate Research Advisory Board, CAUS Honorifics Committee, ICAT Catalyst member and ICAT Fellow and Senior Fellow
2007-2012 Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, NC
Position: Tenured Associate Professor, Art & Design, College of Arts & SciencesTeaching Responsibilities: Desktop Publishing I and II, 3D Animation/Modeling I and II, Interactive Design, Web Design, Multimedia Design, Independent Study and Virtual Environments/Game Design
Other Responsibilities included: Strategic Planning Council, Academic Standards and Curriculum Committee, Chair of Hiring Committee, WSSU Recruitment Council Committee, The General Education Task Force Committee, Senior Research Symposium, Undergraduate Forum Committee, Health Committee, Student Recruitment Committee, Curriculum Committee for BFA program, E-portfolio Committee, and Student Advisor.
2009 The Serious Game Group, Piedmont Triad Partnership Design Consortium, Winston-Salem, NC
Position: Game developer for Surgical Mayo Tray GameGame Developer Responsibilities: Developing tech documents for the Maya game, finding street value of game, Flash programmer, and modeler of Mayo surgical tools using Maya.
Other Responsibilities included: lighting, texturing and rendering of all Mayo surgical tools, setting up modeling sequencing for team.
2008-2012 Center For Design Innovation, Winston-Salem, NC
Position: Workshop InstructorTeaching Responsibilities: Conducting workshops on fundamentals of Maya polygonal modeling techniques, subdivision modeling, organic modeling, industrial modeling, lighting and animation using Maya.
Other Responsibilities included: Setting up 10 Mac laptops for the Maya workshop.
2003-2007 Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Position: Assistant Professor, Art & Design, College of Arts & SciencesTeaching Responsibilities: Basic Graphic Design, Graphic Design 1, 2, and 3, 3D Animation/Modeling 1, 2, and 3, Virtual Environments/Game Design, Capstone, and The Dart Program (3D Animation)
Other Responsibilities included: Department Criteria for Promotion and Tenure Committee, Student Recruitment Committee, Exhibition Committee, Art Conference in the UAE Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, International Exhibition Planning Committee, Curriculum Committee, Program Revision Committee, Student Advisor, Grading and Assessment Formats Committee, Research Threshold and Faculty Time Allocation and Reporting, Documentation of Student Artwork and Faculty Projects, SAFE Project, Continuing Education Courses, International Institution Links, Art Conferences in the UAE, UAE Design Group, Student Organization – Art Club, Designed a poster and brochure for the Art and Design Department, ZU Magazine, Safe Book Project and IT Help within the department.
2006 Latifa College, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Position: Assistant Professor, Art & DesignTeaching Responsibilities: 3D Animation
2002-2003 University of Chicago Hospital, Chicago, IL
Position: Project Coordinator for Compliance EducationResponsibilities included: Providing essential support to educational initiatives; Coordinating of training rooms, schedules, orientation and monitoring of hospital staff; facilitating for faculty and staff in accessing information to managers and administrators; providing support in preparation of video presentations. Maintaining web site and supporting the technical aspect of the computer based programs for all staff and faculty on and off site.
2000-2002 Image Source Creative, Chicago, IL
Position: Head of Web Development, Multimedia and Video/Post Production Department.Responsibilities included: Development and production of site specific projects including web sites, site maintenance, CD-ROM, Interactive CD-ROM, Interactive DVD, 3-D animation, and video dependent on the clients needs.
2019 The Independent Filmmaker Project (“IFP”), the nation’s premier member organization of independent filmmakers and storytellers, and Verizon Media’s award-winning content studio RYOT, Residency for their Next Generation 5G Storytelling Initiative. Our collaborative project The Art of Dying Young: Shawn Peters (Creative Director), Barry Cole (Producer), Thomas Tucker (Technical Producer). (External Grant, $10,000 at 33% = $3,300.) Responsible for 33%.
2019 “The Pelleas Project”. ICAT SEAD Grant. Opera Project. PI: Ariana Wyatt, Co-PI: Thomas Tucker, Richard Masters, Doug Bowman. (Internal Grant, $25,000 at 25 = $6,250.) Responsible for 25%.
2018 Development of a Motion-Capture System for Occlusion-Free Recording of Complex Animal Motion Kinematics. NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program proposal selected in the internal competition for Investigators. PI: Rolf Müller, ME, COE, Co-PI: A. Lynn Abbott, ECE, COE, Jake Socha, BEAM, COE, Thomas Tucker, SOVA/ICAT, CLAHS, Hongxiao Zhu, Statistics, COS Senior Personnel: Nicole Abaid, BEAM, COE, Pinhas Ben-Tzvi, ME, COE, Andy Kurdila, ME, COE, Sunny Jung, BEAM, COE, Alexander Leonessa, ME, COE, Danesh Tafti, ME, COE. (External Grant, $356,500 at 9% = $32,085.) Responsible for 9%.
2018 Development of an Interactive Projection Mapping Kiosk, AR and VR Development for “If This Place Could Talk: Visualizing 150 Years of Virginia Tech’s History.” Spring 2019 for course buyout from Council on VT History, Office for Strategic Affairs. Working with Todd Ogle, Paul Quigley, David Hicks, Doug Bowman, Gary Worley, and SOVA 3D Visualization class. (Internal Grant, $5,000 at 100% = $5,000.) Responsible for 100%.
2018 Grant from Council on VT History, Office for Strategic Affairs. (Fall 2018 and Spring 2019) Provided wages and equipment for students in Computer Science, History and SOVA to develop an interactive projection mapping kiosk, augmented reality(AR), and virtual reality (VR) development to celebrate Virginia Tech’s 150th Anniversary. Working with Todd Ogle, Paul Quigley, David Hicks, Doug Bowman, Gary Worley, and SOVA 3D Visualization class. (Internal Grant, $17,750 at 16% = $2,840.) Responsible for 16%.
2018 International Travel Supplemental Grant (ITSG) for London Trip. From the Office President for Research and Innovation. (Internal Grant, $1,000 at 100% = $1,000.) Responsible for 100%.
2018 Digital Dog VR Project. The Open Education Faculty Initiative Grant Program of the University Libraries. PI Michael Nappier, Thomas Tucker and Anita Walz. (Internal Grant, $3,000 at 50% = $1,500.) Responsible for 50%.
2018 Digital Dog VR Project. The Open Education Faculty Initiative Grant Program of the University Libraries. PI Michael Nappier, Thomas Tucker and Anita Walz. (Internal Grant, $4,500 at 50% = $2,250.) Responsible for 50%.
2018 Digital Dog VR Project for PC and VIVE VR Equipment, The Open Education Faculty Initiative Grant Program of the University Libraries. PI Michael Nappier, and Anita Walz. (Internal Grant, $3,000 at 50% = $1,500.) Responsible for 50%.
2017 VDR Project working with ICAT in developing prototype a basic VDR to create a virtual environment where kitchen and bath dealerships can design consumer and builder kitchens and give their clients the chance to experience a life-size image of what their project will look like when completed. The consumer will interact with the design to try different finishes, hardware, appliances, flooring, etc. to give them the confidence to purchase that new kitchen from the VDR dealership. Partnership with local businessman Dan Stout and Gene Swartz (awarded contract $3,000) Responsible for 100%.
2017 Oba’s Dream working with ICAT in developing VR experience with international film maker Shawn Peters (awarded contract $7,000) Responsible for 100%.
2017 Technology-Enhanced Learning & Online Strategies Grant Program, Awarded funding to support our work in three projects World War I, Christiansburg Institute and Blacksburg 16 Squares 3D Printing Project (15,000 awarded) PI: Thomas Tucker Responsible for 100%.
2017 Enigma Project, VR project PI: Joe Gabbard, Co-PI: Doug Bowman and Thomas Tucker ($280,000 awarded by Facebook) Responsible for 15%.
2016 ICAT SEAD Major Grant for “Stepping into the past through Visualization: Exploring America’s Forgotten War” ($25,000 awarded) PI: Thomas Tucker, Co PI: David Hicks, Todd Ogle, David Cline Responsible for 25%.
2015-16 Awarded, presented and participated at the Advanced Challenges in Theory and Practice in 3D Modeling of Cultural Heritage Sites at Amherst College, Maryland and UCLA, Las Angeles, CA. ($2,300 awarded stipend) Responsible for 100%.
2015 China Cave Scan, Shandong University, Jinan, China, funded by the China Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (22,000 Yuan awarded). Responsible for 100%.
2015 Awarded, Presented and participated at the Advanced Challenges in Theory and Practice in 3D Modeling of Cultural Heritage Sites at Amherst College, Maryland. ($2,300 awarded stipend) Responsible for 100%.
2015 ICAT SEAD Mini Grant for Moss Arts Center Projection Mapping Project ($2,200 awarded) Responsible for 100%.
2015 Towards Printing a Stradivarius, Institute For Creative, Arts and Technology, SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Major Initiative Program Grant, PI: Pablo Tarazaga, PhD, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Virginia Tech, Co PI: Thomas Tucker, BFA, MFA, Creative Technology, School of Visual Arts, Virginia Tech, Chris Williams, PhD, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Virginia Tech, David Ehrlich, Outreach Fellow, Fine Arts, Virginia Tech, Stefan Hersh and Violinist and Violin Maker, Darnton & Hersh Fine Violins, Chicago Il ($25,000) Responsible for 12%.
2014 Advancing Transportation Infrastructure 3D Image-Based Reconstruction, Visualization, and Non-Contact Measurement for Condition Assessment and STEM Education, Institute For Creative, Arts and Technology, SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Mini Grant, PI: Cristopher D. Moen, PhD, PE, Co PI: Thomas Tucker, MFA, Kevin Kochersberger, PhD, Gerardo Flintsch, PhD, PE ($3,000) Responsible for 33%.
2014 Christiansburg Institute, Augmented Reality for Historical Inquiry, NSF project, NSF grant, CNS, Division of Computer and Network Systems Grant, PI: Doug Bowman, Co PI: Todd Ogle, David Cline, David Hicks, Gurjot Singh, Stipend Support: Thomas Tucker ($585,510.00) Awarded. Responsible for 10%.
2014 Puppy CT Scan, Institute For Creative, Arts and Technology, SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Mini Grant, PI: Thomas Tucker, Co-PIs: Bess J. Pierce, DVM, DABVP, DACVIM, Jeryl C. Jones, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVR, Cynthia M. Otto, DVM, PhD, DACVECC ($1,000) Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2014 China Cave Scan, University, Jinan, China, Funded by the China Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs Grant (22,000 Yuan) Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2015 China Cave Scan, University, Jinan, China, Funded by the China Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs Grant (22,000 Yuan) Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2014 Nano Pod Project, Open at the Source, Institute for Creativity, Art, and Technology at the Cube, Moss Arts Center, PI: Thomas Tucker, Virginia Tech Co PI: Tohm Judson, Winston-Salem State University ($1,500) Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2014 Puppy CT Scan, Institute For Creative Arts and Technology, SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Mini Grant, PI: Thomas Tucker, Co-PIs: Bess J. Pierce, DVM, DABVP, DACVIM, Jeryl C. Jones, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVR, Cynthia M. Otto, DVM, PhD, DACVECC ($1,000) Awarded. Responsible for 100%
2013 Living Lab for Asynchronous and Synchronous Investigation of Virtual and Real Environments, NSF grant, CNS, Division of Computer and Network Systems Grant, PI: Benjamin Knapp, Co PI: Nicholas Polys, Ivica Bukvic, Yong Cao, James Ivory, Dane Webster and Thomas Tucker ($585,510.00) Awarded. Responsible for 12.5%.
2013 Blacksburg’s 16 Squares: A Study of Time in Place AR and VR Recreation of Blacksburg’s 16 Squares, Funding from Institute for Creativity, Arts and Technology, SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Major Initiative Program Grant PI: Thomas Tucker ($25,000) Awarded. Responsible for 68%.
2013 Bodies of Interaction, Projection Mapping project inside the new ICAT cube, SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Mini-Grant, PI: Ann Kilkelly, Ph.D, MA, BA, Co-PIs: Carol Burch-Brown, BA, MFA, Thomas Tucker, BFA, Tohm Judson, Ph.D ($3,000) Awarded. Responsible for 15%.
2013 Salt Marsh Suite: Revealing a Coastal Estuary through 3D Visualization, Max/MSP/Jitter, and Projection Mapping SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Mini-Grant, PI: Carol Burch-Brown, BA, MFA, Co-PIs: Thomas Tucker, BFA, MFA, Sam Blanchard, BFA, MFA and Dongsoo Choi, BS ($3,000) Awarded. Responsible for 15%.
2013 Odd Fellows Hall And New Town Virtual Reality Tour, Institute For Creative, Arts and Technology, SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Mini Grant, ($3,000) Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2013 Odd Fellows Hall And New Town Virtual Reality Tour, Funding from Outreach and International Affairs, Virginia Tech ($10,000) Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2012 Creating 3D Visualization Tools to Study Canine Puppy Socialization Behaviors, Institute for Creativity, Arts and Technology, SEAD (Science, Engineering, Art, and Design) Major Initiative Program Grant, ($9,000) Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2007 Robotic Rack and Pinion Project, Zayed University Basic Research Funding Grant ($3,000) Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2007 Ras Al Khaimah Project, GPS Survey, Zayed University Basic Research Funding Grant ($3,000) Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2006 Modular Unit Project, Ziva Gallery, Zimbabwe, Africa, Zayed University Professional Development Grant. ($3,500). Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2006 Self-Contained Modular Unit Project, Joan Mitchell Foundation Opportunity Grant, ($5,000). Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2006 Ras Al Khaimah Project, Zayed University Basic Research Funding Grant, ($1,500). Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2006 Self-Contained Modular Unit Project, Zayed University Basic Research Funding Grant, ($1,500). Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
1998 Joan Mitchell Foundation Recipient Grant, ($10,000). Awarded. Responsible for 100%.
2019 Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) Sabbatical Research Augmentation Leave Award for spring 2020. (Individually awarded 50% salary.)
2019 Recognition of Teaching Excellence Award from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at Virginia Tech. 2018 National Technology Leadership Initiative (NTLI) Fellow for CUFA Social Studies Education.
2018 Academy Encouragement Award for Best VR in UC-WinRoad, Forum 8, World 16 17th 3DVR Conference November 20. Presented by the President Yuji Ito (CEO of FORUM 8) Tokyo, Japan. (Individually awarded $1,000.)
2018 Academy Encouragement Award for Best VR in UC-WinRoad, Forum 8, World 16 Summer Workshop in New Zealand at University of Victoria at Wellington, NZ. (Individually awarded $1,000.)
2017 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)/National Technology Leadership Initiative (NTLI) Technology Paper Award, College and University Faculty of National Council for the Social Studies, November, San Francisco, CA. (Group awarded.)
2017 Nexus Award at ICAT Day 2017 for the project that best exemplifies working at the nexus of science, engineering, arts, and design. Collaborators: Dongsoo Choi, Todd Ogle, David Hicks, Erik Westman, David Cline, David Newcomb, Yves Massotte, Celine Beauchamp, and Adrien Arles. (April 27- May 20.) The Disappeared Village of Vauquois. ICAT: Open (at the) Source- Sensing Place. Moss Arts Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. (Group awarded.)
2017 Awarded The 2017 Favorite Faculty Nominations by a MFA CT graduate student Mahshid Gorjian
2017 Awarded The SITE/NTLI Technology Paper Award, College and University Faculty of National Council for the Social Studies, San Francisco, CA
2017 Awarded the National Distinction Salary Award presented by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors
2017 Awarded the Nexus Award at ICAT 2017 “At the Nexus” Award for the project that best exemplifies working at the nexus of science, engineering, arts, and design for the Tucker, T., Choi, D., Ogle, T., Hicks, D., Westman, E., Cline, D., Newcomb, D., Massotte, Y., Beauchamp, C., & Arles, A. (April 27th- May 20th 2017). The disappeared village of Vauquois. ICAT: Open (at the) Source- Sensing Place. Moss Arts Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
2016 Awarded Tenure at current rank of Associate Professor
2016 Nominated and accepted the position of Director of the Master of Fine Arts of Creative Technologies
2016 Awarded for the 15th 3DVR Simulation Contest on the Cloud “Academic Encouragement Award” Presented by the President Yuji Ito (CEO of FORUM 8) Tokyo, Japan
2016 Nominated for 2016 XCaliber Award, nominated for Lighting and Projection Mapping Class
2015 Virginia Tech merit increase by the Board of Visitors
2015 14th 3DVR Simulation Contest on the Cloud “Academic Encouragement Award” November 20, 2015 Presented by the President Yuji Ito (CEO of FORUM 8) Tokyo, Japan
2015 Nominated and Finalist of the Virginia Tech Excalibur Award
2015 Awarded and voted into the Center for Human-Computer Interaction group at Virginia Tech by Director Doug A. Bowman
2014 “Top 8 Awesome Research Projects at Virginia Tech, One of the Top R&D Institutions in the US”, Puppies at Play Predict Disease; Recognized by Virginia Tech and Gothamist Staff
2014 Academy Encouragement Award for Best AR in UC-WinRoad, Forum 8 Company, Tokyo, Japan
2014 College Award in Creative Achievement, College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Annual Awards Ceremony, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
2014 Merit Award for Valuable Academic and Service Contributions to the School, College and University, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
2013 Joan Mitchell Foundation Residence Program Award, Joan Mitchell Center, New Orleans
2013 PDI Nomination and Award, Professional Development Institute (PDI) Program, Virginia Tech
2010 Academy Award for Best Virtual Reality Project using UC Win/Road Software, World 16 project with Forum 8, 4th International VR Symposium in Tokyo, Japan
2005 Experts List, Zayed University publication recognizing top internationally known scholars and teachers
2004 Merit Award, Zayed University top ten percent of faculty recognized for outstanding achievements.
1998 Ryerson Fellowship Award (SAIC)
1993-1996 Silver Screen Scholarship Award (KCAI)
Exploring the World War I Tunnels of Vauquois through Virtual Reality.
Vauquois was a small village before it became critical high ground that was fiercely contested for four years by the French and Germans during World War I, with the Americans finally taking the position during the Meuse-Argonne offensive of 1918. In an area smaller than the Virginia Tech Drillfield, a quiet, agricultural village became a killing ground starting in the streets, moving to trenches, and finally moving underground into a network of miles of tunnels used to set over 500 mine explosions in four horrific years of endless combat. Funded through an ICAT SEAD Grant, our team of technologists, artists, educators, historians, engineers, and archaeologists performed a comprehensive site survey of the Hill of Vauquois, combining ground-penetrating radar, photogrammetry, and laser scanning to create a digital recreation of the above and below ground features of the craters, trenches, tunnels and galleries that allows us to see Vauquois as it has never been seen before. Each iteration of the project brought in new collaborators from multiple disciplines to create new experiences for participants. In all, 360 degree video, animation, and virtual reality tell the story in an immersive experience.
Exhibited at ACCelerate 2019 Festival. This virtual reality interactive exhibit offers visitors a series of connected independent experiences including a physical life size cave form that participants can touch while wearing a VR headset and a hand held interactive lamp with which to explore the space. The exterior of the cave has additional text and videos for those waiting in line. Augmented reality is also employed via an interactive table where audience members use an iPad to view a map of the site. Collaborators: Zach Duer, SOVA faculty member; Dongsoo Choi, SOVA faculty member; Todd Ogle, Executive Director of Applied Research in Immersive Environments and Simulations, and ICAT Fellow; David Hicks, School of Education faculty member; Doug Bowman, Computer Science faculty member; Dongsoo Choi, SOVA faculty member; and *Run Yu, *Huy Ngo, and *Xindi Liu, SOVA graduate students. .
Exhibited at Michigan State University Museum. The VR experience was shown at the Digital Scholarship Lab in the MSU Library. Collaborators: Todd Ogle, David Hicks, Zach Duer and Dongsoo Choi. Curated by Max Evjen (Exhibitions Technology Specialist, Arts & Cultural Management and Museum Studies, Michigan State University)
Exhibited at the Salem Museum & Historical Society, 2018
Exhibited at Moss Arts Center Cube, ICAT Creativity and Innovation Day, April 30, 2018. This exhibition created a learning environment that is a hands-on, mixed-reality exhibit of the human experience in the contested landscape of World War I. It leveraged a physical model of the Butte de Vauquois generated from topographical data with projection mapping elements to provide a sense of what life was like for the people who lived and died during that terrible period in world history. Collaborators: David Hicks, School of Education; Todd Ogle, Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies; David Cline, Department of History; Erik Westman, Department of Mining Engineering.
Exhibited at Moss Arts Center Cube for the President’s State of the University Address on September 4, 2018. Collaborators: Todd Ogle and David Hicks.
2019 Sound Arcade was exhibited on April 5-7 as part of the ACC Smithsonian Creativity and Innovation Festival at the National Museum of American History, Washington, D.C. During the day, we had an interactive sound garden at the patio entrance area of the Smithsonian. Participants were able to take interactive LED wands into the space and experiment with an interactive 3D sound system in real time. The interactive sound garden contained three rectangular sculptures, each having 3 abstract geodesic forms extending from the three units. Beginning at 8 pm, the project took on yet another visual layer of interaction. The event had three 8K projectors projecting onto the sculptures. Participants were given LED interactive wands that illuminate within the space. The wands were designed to be interactive and programmed to receive data to make the LED lights on the wands illuminate in real time creating color patterns and pulses throughout the sound garden. Approximately 61,000 people attended ACCelerate and over 6,000 interacted with the work presented there. Collaborators: Tanner Upthegrove and Eric Lyon (Music), George Hardebeck (Sound Engineer Support), *David Franusich (Animator, Form Modeler and Sound Engineer), *Xindi Liu, *Caleb Flood, *Jon Hamilton, *Caleb Flood, *Aline R.S.S. de Souza, *Mahshid Gorjian and *Xindi Liu (Fabrication and Ground Crew), Matthew Swarts (Georgia Tech), ICAT (Arts, and Technology, Center for the Arts), Ben Knapp, Holly Williams and Melissa Wyers. (ICAT funding $12,000)
2019 Watershed 2.0 Projection Mapping Project was exhibited at Krewe of Vaporwave Opera in the Piazza d’Italia in New Orleans, LA. This was a three-dimensional, fractured vision of rural Virginia. Watershed moves between glimpses of river footage, light, and animation. This collaborative projection-mapped installation offers a meditative and fragmented reflection on environment, industry, floods, rupture, and transformation in the rural Appalachian South. Created by Thomas Tucker, Lesley Duffield, Nate King, Rachel Weaver, *Tacie Jones, *Carter Eggleston, *David Franusich, *Vasia Ampatzi.
2018 Watershed was exhibited at the New Orleans Film Festival, Cinema Reset. This four-minute, looping work was a massive site-specific installation piece and projection mapping project featuring collaged animation, video, and light. A three-dimensional, fractured vision of rural Virginia, the piece moves between glimpses of river, light, and animation. This collaborative projection-mapped installation offers a meditative and fragmented reflection on environment, industry, floods, rupture, and transformation in the rural Appalachian South. Collaborators: Thomas Tucker, Lesley Duffield, Rachel Weaver, Nate King, *Sofia Chu, *Jasmine Edison, *Carter Eggleston, *David Franusich, *Jon Hamilton, *Xindi Li, *Kat Vivaldi.
2018 Co-Chaired Music Installation at the NIME Music 2018 Conference with Mona Kasra, Assistant Professor of Digital Media Design at the University of Virginia (UVA)
2018 Projection Mapping Project. Moss Arts Center, Blacksburg, VA. NIME Conference, presented SOVA Art 4544 and 5724 projection mapping class collaborated with ICAT and the Moss Arts Center in creating a large-scale projection mapping project which was projected onto the south-west facade of the Moss Arts Center. Our team started with 3D scanning the site from several angles to get accurate data. Then we tied all the scans together to create a large point cloud. Then, taking the point cloud data, we created a 3D mesh template for the class to aid in their projection mapping animations. The class also created a small mockup of the building to test their animations on a 3D surface. Each student and collaborative team took on different ideas and approaches for the project, including the following: utilizing the idea of scale, sound design, abstract animations, storytelling, dance and interactivity. Collaborators included *Armi Behzad, *David J Franusich, *Mahshid Gorjian, *George Hardebeck, *Tacie Jones, *Xindi Liu, *Daniel Robert Monzel, *Huy Quoc Ngo, *Heather Arnold, *Jesse Bibel, *Zachary Cortez, *Justus Darby, *Nishat Jamil, *Antonia Marigliani, *Pei Qiu, *Michael Rhoades, *Yiming Wang, ICAT (Arts, and Technology, Center for the Arts), Ben Knapp, Holly Williams, Melissa Wyers, Doug Witney and Moss Arts Center Crew.
2018 SOVA Projection Mapping exhibited at Vaporwave, The World’s Unfair, World’s Fair Unfair Projection Mapping Event in New Orleans. On February 2, 2018, the project was presented at the Krewe’s World’s Unfair Ball at The Music Box in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Unfair Ball is a full-scale physical space where “extremely loose interpretations” of the 1984 World’s Fair sites are displayed by various invited artists with over 1,200 visitors in attendance. My spring semester projection mapping class was invited by an event organizer to put together a projection mapping piece in less than two weeks including animation, rendering, and fabrication of the tetrahedron form to project on. The class used the software package Pepakura to unravel a 3D triangle into an unfolded pattern drawing like a 3D puzzle form. Using a projector, we took the template and traced the lines onto poster board in order to create 3D triangles. The individual triangle forms were then cut, folded, and taped together the night before with simple poster board in order to keep the structure light and mobile enough to travel in a car. The individual triangles were assembled in less than four hours and then the overall final shape was put together in three hours. We used a simple Benq projector at the live event and mapped the surface using MadMapper. Each student from the class created a 20 to 30-second animation to project onto the surface. The videos were all played during the four-hour performance at the Ball. Attendees at the Ball danced, took photos, and interacted with the piece in a variety of ways. Collaborators: Thomas Tucker (Director), Rachel Weaver (Co-Director and Co-Event Coordinator), *Carter Eggleston, (Construction Crew), *Heather Arnold (Animator), *Jesse Bibel (Animator), *Zachary Ryan Cortez (Animator), *Justus Darby (Animator), *Nishat Jamil (Animator), *Antonia Cadence Marigliani (Animator), *Pei Qiu (Animator), *Michael Rhoades (Animator), *Yiming Wang (Animator), *Armi Behzad (Animator), *David J Franusich (Animator), *Mahshid Gorjian (Animator), *Tacie Nicole Jones (Animator), *Xindi Liu (Animator), *Daniel Monzel (Animator) and *Huy Quoc Ngo (Animator). Gizmodo
2017 Tucker, T., Choi, D., Ogle, T., Hicks, D., Westman, E., Cline, D., Newcomb, D., Massotte, Y., Beauchamp, C., & Arles, A. (April 27th- May 20th 2017). The disappeared village of Vauquois. ICAT: Open (at the) Source- Sensing Place. Moss Arts Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
2017 Tucker, T., Choi, D., Ogle, T., Hicks, D., Bowman, D., Yu, R., Cline, D., Duer, Z., Upthegrove, T., & Westman, E. (May 2017). Visualizing World War I through mixed reality: The mystery of the destroyed village of Vauquois and the War of the Mines. ICAT Creativity and Innovation Day. The Cube, Moss Arts Center: Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
2017 Panel/Conversation topic presentation on panel for Civic Engagement at ACCelerate 16 Squares Project that took place at the ACCelerate Creativity and Innovation Festival 2017 hosted by The Smithsonian National Museum of American History and Virginia Tech.
2017 Exhibited at ACCelerate, ACC Smithsonian Creativity and Innovation Festival at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. The 16 Squares Project works to develop an online resource and on-site augmented and virtual reality experience of the original 16 Squares of Blacksburg, Virginia. The original Town of Blacksburg was laid out in a grid on land that was donated by William Black, for whom the town is named. The multilayered and sophisticated program not only provides a factual history of the town, but also an educational treasure about the successes and challenges of civic life, capturing the extensive emotions that people experienced as they lived at various times.
2017 The ACCelerate Projection Mapping Project took place at the ACCelerate Creativity and Innovation Festival hosted by The Smithsonian National Museum of American History and Virginia Tech. The projection mapping piece took place at the National Mall entrance of the Museum. Two 20,000 lumens Christie Projectors and a stereo sound system powered by two 220 volt generators were utilized to cover the 7012 square feet of the grand façade of the building entrance.
2016 Exhibited at South by Southwest Conference and Festival 2016 Mirror Worlds Mirror worlds is an infrastructure project created to study human interaction. With various sensors installed in the Moss Art Center, the system is able to sense the physical world and generate a virtual model of the building so people can interact from both physical and virtual environments in this shared space. For the South by Southwest Conference we created a mini Mirror Worlds by creating an interactive virtual experience of the actual space at SXSW. The whole Virginia Tech booth was recreated in 3D and the tracker was on site to capture audience members in real time. The data was then translated in real time.
2016 Performance at SECAC 2016 with Moss Arts Center Projection Mapping on the grand staircase. By utilizing project light and imagery, and complemented by sound, guests visiting the Moss Arts Center will experience a study in aesthetic design that showcases the unique architecture of the building.
2016 Performance at SECAC 2016 Space Echoes: An Immersive Audio-Visual Environment This fully immersive experience was a collaboration of Eric Lyon, Associate Professor of Practice from the School of Performing Arts, and Thomas Tucker, Associate Professor for the School of Visual Arts. The performance showcased an array of technologies available from the institute of Creativity, Arts, and Technology’s state of the art Cube at Virginia Tech. 3D Animations and 3D sound compositions were presented in unison to create a sensation of other worldly experiences. The visual components of the animations were projected onto a Cyclorama screen that is 16 feet tall by 40 feet wide. Audience members wore 3D googles while listening to 3D musical compositions relayed from an array of 139 speakers, collectively creating a new kind of visual and auditory encounter.
2016 Forum 8 Design Festival 2016 on November 20 on the Smithfield Class project showcasing the implementing of point cloud data, scanning, photogrammetry, 360 video and using quad copter for photogrammetry with the utilizing UC win/Road software and Virtual Reality project using the OculusRift and VIVE
2015 Projection Mapping of ABB 120 Robot, The Design Robotics Summit, Center for Design Research, Virginia Tech School of Architecture and Design.
2015 Salt Marsh Suite Installation, SEAMUS 2015, Experience Studio, Moss Arts Center, Salt Marsh Suite, Carol Burch-Brown, Ann Kilkelly, Tohm Judson and contributor Thomas Tucker (3D laser scanning)
2014 Projection Mapping Exhibition, World 16 Group with Forum 8, Tokyo, Japan at University of Hawaii,
2014 The Nano Pod Project, Institute of Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT). Thomas Tucker and Tohm Judson, Winston-Salem State University.
2014 Salt Marsh Suite, Institute of Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) with support from the School of Performing Arts and the School of Visual Arts. Carol Burch-Brown, School of Visual Arts, Ann Kilkelly, School of Visual Arts, Thomas Tucker, School of Visual Arts, Tohm Judson, Winston-Salem State University, Rachel Grant Bella, Steve Williams, Theatre Arts MFA, Katie Conner School of Visual Theatre Arts and DongSoo Choi, School of Visual Arts.
2014 Material and Embodiment, Projection Mapping Show in the gallery space 371. Alberta College of Art and Design, Calgary, Canada, Nicole Burisch, Canadian curator, artist, critic, Thomas Tucker artist and researcher, Gwendolyn Yoppolo, performance artist, Lucky Leone, sculpture artist.
2013 t3j Show: at the Contemplative Practices in a Technological Society, Conference at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA
2013 t3j Show: at the Joan Mitchell Foundation Residence Program, Joan Mitchell Center in New Orleans
2011 Strictly Academic, Part 1: at The Womble Carlyle Gallery at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts, Winston-Salem, NC Exhibition features work by: Thomas Tucker, Scott Betz, Tammy Evans, Alison Fleming, Christine Kirouac, Leo Morrissey, Juie Rattley III, and Adrew Fansler
2011 Solo Show, Dialect Design Art Gallery, Charlotte, NC
2010 Winston Salem State University faculty show at Diggs Gallery, Winston-Salem, NC
2009 Solo Show, Amanda Schedler Fine Art, Homewood, AL
2008 Winston Salem State University faculty show at Diggs Gallery, Winston-Salem, NC
2007 Five schools/Five miles: at The Rhodes and Davis Galleries at The Sawtooth Center, Winston-Salem, NC
2007 Minus Reality, Art Attack Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2007 Zayed University Faculty Exhibition, Meem Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2007 Solo Show, East Tennessee State University in Slocumb Galleries, Johnson City, Tennessee
2007 Southern Appalachian International Film Festival (SOAPIFF) – Honorable mention prize for animation
2006 Solo Show, Zimbabwe Institute of “Vigital” Arts in Zimbabwe, Africa
2005 Joan Mitchell Foundation MFA Grant Recipients Group Show, CUE Art Gallery, NYC
2005 Reinventing the Present, Meramec Art Gallery, Saint Louis Community College, St. Louis, Missouri
2005 Reinventing the Present, Amelia Center, Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City, Florida
2004 Drawing Show, Overground Gallery, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
2004 14 Artists, faculty members from Zayed University, Cultural Center, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
2003 12 Artists, faculty members from Zayed University, Courtyard Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
1999 Synapse Group, a group of electronic artists Kevin Heisner, Robert Kephart, Daniel Miller, Fernando D. Orellana, Sabrina Raaf, Eric Ravenstein, Valerie Sullivan Fuchs, Karen Thornton, Thomas Tucker, Lauren Was, Amy Youngs. Earth Goddess Gallery, Chicago, IL
1999 Group Show, The Aaron Packer Gallery, Chicago, IL
1998 Group Show of Graduating Seniors, Contemporary Art Workshop, Chicago, IL
1998 M.F.A The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, graduating show (sold out), Chicago, IL
1996 B.F.A. Kansas City Art Institute graduating show (sold out), Kansas City, MO
1994-1996 Kansas City Art Institute National Tour: Kansas City, MO
2005 Curator: Miniature Chair Design Exhibition, Lecturer: Susan Hefuna, Professor of Art and Design from the German University in Cairo, Reception opened by H.H. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan
2003-2005 Owner: Overground Gallery, The first gallery in Abu Dhabi showing avant-garde works ranging from video installations, paintings, drawings, and robotic installations. Represented by the gallery: Jason Demarte, Michael Rodriguez, Chae Ho Lee, Terry Dowse, Francoise Dureese, Todd Devriese, Patricia Ball, Russell Hamilton, Neil Chowdhury and Thomas Tucker.
2018 Presented at the Forum 8 Design 9th VR Summer Workshop at Victoria University of Wellington on July 8-13 on the scanning Dig Hill 80 site and implementing latest tools of point cloud data, scanning with the utilizing UC win/Road software and Virtual Reality project using the HTV VIVE VR System.
2017 Presented at the Forum 8 Design 8th VR Summer Workshop at Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT on July 18-21 on the scanning MIT site and implementing latest tools of point cloud data, scanning with the utilizing UC win/Road software and Virtual Reality project using the HTV VIVE VR System. 2016 Presented at the Forum 8 Design Festival in Tokyo, Japan on the Smithfield Class project showcasing the implementing of point cloud data, scanning, photogrammetry, 360 video and using quad copter for photogrammetry with the utilizing UC win/Road software and Virtual Reality project using the Oculus Rift and VIVE.
2016 Presented at the Forum 8 Design Festival in Tokyo, Japan on the Smithfield Class project showcasing the implementing of point cloud data, scanning, photogrammetry, 360 video and using quad copter for photogrammetry with the utilizing UC win/Road software and Virtual Reality project using the Oculus Rift and VIVE.
2016 Presented at the World 16, 7th Annual International VR Symposium Workshop hosted by Forum 8 in Osaka, Japan. Dongsoo Choi and I presented our research with Photogrammetry and Laser scanning.
2016 Presented at the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Summer Institute at UCLA in Los Angeles. David Cline and I presented our findings on the 16 Squares project.
2015 Panel discussion at the Forum 8 Design Festival 2015 at Forum 8 on November 20th on the future of Augmented and Virtual Reality in our field with Yoshi Kovayashi from Arizona State University, Matthew Swarts from Georgia Tech, Ruth Ron from Shenkar College, Kostas Terzidis from Harvard University, Paolo Flamma from University of Pisa, Tomoshiro Fukuda from Osaka University and Taro Narahara from New Jersey Institute of Technoloy.
2015 Ogle, T., Tucker, T. & Bunin, C. (2015, March). Bringing the War Back Home: Using Geospatial and Situation-based Technology to Teach World War I. Poster session presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
2015 Hicks, D., Ogle, T., & Tucker, T.(2015, March). Visualization as a Tool to Support the Inquiry Arc in Social Studies Education: Notes from the Field. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
2014 Singh, G., Bowman, D., Ogle, J.T., Hicks, D., Cline, D., Ragan, E., Johnson, A., Zlokas, R., and Tucker T. (2014, September). CI-Spy: Using Mobile-AR for Scaffolding Historical Inquiry Learning. Poster session presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Munich, Germany.
2014 The 15th UC-win/Road Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Laser Scanning for research about the cave of bats Presented research on a case study using UC-win/Road used in the ecological research of bats.
2014 The 15th UC-win/Road Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Projection mapping of World 16 group work.
2014 World 16 Project, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HA, Presentation on Laser Scanning for research about the cave of bats. Presented research on a case study using UC-win/Road used in the ecological research of bats and projection mapping exhibition of my work.
2014 College Art Association, 102 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, Art Historians interested in Pedagogy and Technology, Visual Histories in Virtual Spaces, Engaging on the Value of Artists’ Legacies, Chair: Judy B. Bullington, Belmont University, Dominic Marner, University of Guelph Ron Hawker, Alberta College of Art and Design and Thomas Tucker Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Australia, St. Denis and Rippon)
2013 eLearning Conference, Wilmington, NC, Presentation on Virtual Reality as an Instructional Tool to Recreate a Segregation Era Community, Thomas Tucker, School of Visual Arts Virginia Tech
2013 Seminar for Arabian Studies at The British Museum, 26th – 28th July, 2013, Presented paper on Computer-based Analysis of the Performance and Spatial Organization of Historic Towns in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. R. Hawker, Alberta College of Art and Design, T.Tucker, School of Visual Arts, VT and M. Whiteley, Alberta College of Art and Design.
2013 University Arts Association of Canada Conference in Banff, Alberta, Canada presented paper on Nookoowayi: Digitalizing a Siksika Tipi, in the Narratives of Continuity and Resistance in Aboriginal Art session, Thomas Tucker, Virginia Tech and Ron Hawker, Alberta College of Art and Design, October 18-20.
2013 AR Camp Conference, Canberra University in Canberra, Australia, Conducted presentations and workshops on Unity work of Odd Fellows Hall, motion capture research and the scanning of several indigenous cave sites with a cultural heritage group and local experts. FARO 3D laser scanned the caves and the aboriginal rock art.
2011 5th International VR symposium, World 16 project: presentation on VR model research on character simulation with motion capture data Tokyo, Japan (presented published paper and VR project)
2011 World 16 project: presentation on VR pipeline for 3D modeling and motion capture for UC/Win road software, Pisa, Italy
2011 Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates Conference 2011 in Ali Ainn, United Arab Emirates: Thomas Tucker (WSSU), Ron Hawker and Dina (Zayed University) presented published paper on The Analysis of Digitally-Recreated Heritage Spaces: Case Studies from the United Arab Emirates.
2010 4th International VR Symposium, World 16 project: presentation on VR model research on Dubai, UAE Project, Tokyo, Japan (presented published paper and VR project).
2010 The Fifth International Conference of ASCAAD (The Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design), Fes, Morocco. Thomas Tucker (WSSU), Ron Hawker and Dina (Zayed University) will present their published paper on understanding of architecture in the United Arab Emirates.
2010 Triangle Game Conference, Raleigh NC, Thomas Tucker (WSSU), Andrew Young (Independent game designer) and Tony Makin (Guilford Technical Community College) presented their Piedmont Triad Partnership game development findings on their Mayo surgical training game.
2010 The Center of Design and Innovations at Idea Exchange, Winston Salem, NC, Thomas Tucker and the Piedmont Triad Partnership Game Development Team presented their findings of their recent surgical training game.
2009 Annual Scientific Meeting, American College of Veterinary Radiology, Memphis, Tennessee with Josh Tan (Wake Forest), Jeri Jones (Virginia Tech), Judy Foxworth and Ben Long (WSSU), and Thomas Tucker (WSSU) will present a poster presentation of our findings from our case study that indicate the use of multi-slice CT, motion capture, and computer animation on feasible techniques for visualizing and modeling joint movements in working dogs.
2009 6 Days in November Conference, presented at The Center for Design Innovation with, Corey Bruse (CDI), Tammy Evans (WSSU faculty), Tunde Adeyemi (WSSU student), a software traffic simulation augments discussion of possibilities for public art, considering the upcoming renovation of bridges along the downtown Winston-Salem stretch of Business Route 40.
2009 The Arts Council’s 60th Anniversary Luncheon, presented a software traffic simulation video showing possibilities for public art, considering the upcoming renovation of bridges along the downtown Winston-Salem stretch of Business Route 40.
2009 Emirates Heritage Club and the Zayed Center for Heritage and History Sixth Annual Archaeology Symposium: A New Generation of Archaeologists: Building National Capacity through Teaching, Media and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Al Ainn, Emirati Heritage Architecture in Geographic Context: The Rams-Dhayya-Barama triangle as Case Study, (co-presented lecture)
2009 3rd International VR Symposium, World 16 project: presentation on VR model research on RAK project Tokyo, Japan (presented published paper and VR project)
2009 10th UC-win/Road Conference, Lecture at 3D Realtime Virtual Reality, Tokyo, Japan.
2008 Digital Media and its Applications in Cultural Heritage 2008 Conference, Petra University, Amman, Jordan. “Maya Simulations of Place, Space and Climate: Digital Media and Its use in Understanding Vernacular Architecture in the United Arab Emirates” (presented published paper)
2019 Grado, R., Bowman, D., Ogle, T., Tucker, T., & Gabbard, J. (2019). “Virtual Replicas of Real Places: Experimental Investigations.” Journal Paper presented at IEEE VR 2019 Osaka Conference, Osaka, Japan.
2018 Sweeney, S. K., Newbill, P., Ogle, T., Terry, K., Hicks, D., Tucker, T., & Cline, D. (2018). “Using Augmented Reality and Virtual Environments in Historic Places to Scaffold Historical Empathy.” Tech Trends 62, 114-118.
2018 Yu, R., Duer, Z., Ogle, T., Bowman, D., Tucker, T., Hicks, D., Liu, X. (2018) “Experiencing an Invisible World War I Battlefield Through Narrative-Driven Redirected Walking in Virtual Reality.” Paper presented at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Reutlingen, Germany. Paper published in the Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), pp. 313-319.
2018 Ogle, T., Hicks, D., Johnson, A., & Tucker, T. (2018). “Authentic Problem-Based Learning with Augmented Reality.” Paper presented at the 13th International Conference of the Learning Science, London, UK. Paper published in J. Kay & R. Luckin (Eds.), Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Science Count, Volume 1. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 136-143). International Society of the learning Sciences: London.
2018 Verdegem, S., Ogle T., Hicks, D., Tucker, T., Duer, Z., & Choi, D. (2018). “Belgium WWI Archeological Summer 2018 VR and AR Data with Dig Hill Group.” Presentation at the Archeological Summit at the University of London, London, UK.
2018 Tucker, T., & Choi, D. (2018). “Belgium, Dig Hill 80, WWI Archeological Site Project.” Presentation at the Forum 8 Design Festival 2018 in Tokyo, Japan.
2018 Tucker, T., & Choi, D. (2018). “Belgium, Dig Hill 80, WWI Archeological Site Project.” Presentation at the Forum 8, World 16 Summer Workshop in New Zealand at University of Victoria at Wellington, NZ.
2018 Hicks, D., Ogle, T., Duer, Z., Tucker, T., Choi, D., Mullins, R. & Shelbourne, S. (2018). “Virtual Reality and Immersive Experiences of a Great War Battlefield.” Presentation at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, Chicago, IL.
2018 Hicks, D., Ogle, T., Duer, Z., Tucker, T., Choi, D., Mullins, R., … Shelbourne, S. (2018). “Virtual Reality and Immersive Experiences of a Great War Battlefield.” Presentation at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, Chicago, IL.
2018 Johnson, A., Hicks, D., Ogle, T., Duer, Z., Tucker, T., Choi, D., …Mullins, R. (2018). “Design-Based and Transdisciplinary Research Using Mixed Reality to Teach about Hard and Hidden Histories.” Symposium presentations at the annual conference of the college and faculty assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Chicago, IL.
2018 Nappier, M., Tucker, T., & Smith, B. (2018). “Use of Virtual Reality in Teaching Anatomy and Clinical Skills.” Presentation in Educators/Veterinary Educator Collaborative Combined Symposium. Ithaca, NY.
2018 Ogle, T., Hicks, D., Tucker, T., & Duer, Z. (2018). “If This Place Could Talk: The Lost Village of Vauquois.” Invited demonstration/presentation at the Applied Research on Immersive Environments for Learning / Instructional Technology SIG at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association. New York, New York.
2017 Stoddard, J., Hicks, D., Ogle, T., Tucker, T., Walsh, B., & van Hover. S. (2017). “Teacher Development and Place-Based History and Heritage Education.” Presentation at the annual HEIRNET (History Educators International Research Network) conference, Dublin, Eire.
2017 Hicks, D., Ogle, T., Tucker, T., Cline, D., and Abbott, J. (2017). “Introducing Mixed Reality (AR and VR) to Support Teaching and Learning History via a Transdisciplinary Course.” Presentation at the International Technology and Teacher Education (ITTE) Conference, University of Hull, Kingston Upon Hull, UK.
2017 Hicks, D., Johnson, A., Ogle, T., van Hover, S., Tucker, T., Ragan, E., & Bowman, D. (2017 November). “Making the Invisible Visible: Evaluating the Use of Augmented Reality to Teach a Forgotten Local History – School Segregation – with 5th Graders.” Paper presented at the annual conference of the College and Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies. San Francisco, CA. This conference paper received the 2017 SITE / National Technology Leadership Initiative Technology Paper Award.
2017 Ogle, T., Hicks, D., Tucker, T., Cline, D., & Abbott, J. (2017). “CI Spy: The Use of Mixed Reality to Support Inquiry into Local Hidden Histories.” Invited presentation at the Applied Research in Immersive Environments for Learning SIG at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
2017 Ogle, T., Hicks, D., Tucker, T., Cline, D., & Abbott, J. (2017). The use of mixed reality to support inquiry into hidden histories. Invited presentation at the Applied Research in Immersive Environments for Learning SIG at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
2017 Yu, D., Ogle, T., Tucker, T., Hicks, D., Bowman, R., Duer, Z. Experiencing an Invisible World War I Battlefield Through Narrative-Driven Redirected Walking in Virtual Reality E. Accepted paper for IEEE VR Conference 2018 Conference Papers, Reutlingen, Germany.
2016 Book Publication “EMERGE”, Projects at the Nexus of Science, Engineering, Art and Design, 2016: Projects: Four Four Beat Project pg. 46-47, Blacksburg 16 Square pg.52-53, Bridge Decking Mapping pg. 56-57, Puppy Project pg. 64-64 and Mirror Worlds pg. 72-73.
2016 Publication on Introducing Digital Humanities Projects and ARCHIE to Social Studies Preservice Teachers: Notes from the Field, SITE 2016 (Accepted) PI: David Hicks, Co-PI, Todd Ogle, Aaron Johnson, Lisa Pennington, Stephanie Van Hover and Thomas Tucker.
2015 Publication on “CI-Spy: Designing A Mobile Augmented Reality System for Scaf-folding Historical Inquiry Learning” ,ISMAR, 2015 (Accepted) PI: Gurjot Singh, Co-PI Doug A. Bowman, David Hicks, David Cline, J. Todd Ogle, Aaron Johnson, Rose-mary Zlokas, Eric Ragan and Thomas Tucker).
2015 Presented our paper Visualization of Historic Sites from Memory, Memorialization and Historical Inquiry at the 21st Annual Online Learning Consortium International Conference, October 14-16 in Orlando, Florida with Todd Ogle Virginia Tech (TILOS).
2015 Presented at the Forum 8 Design Festival 2015 on November 20 on implementing point cloud data and projection mapping utilizing UC win/Road software and Virtual Reality project using the OculusRift.
2015 Center for Instructional Development and Education Research (CIDER), CIDER Presentation in The Pedagogy in Practice Panel and Reception in August 2015 with Todd Ogle, David Hick and Thomas Tucker.
2015 Exploratory Work to Understand the Potentials and Limits of LiDAR Points in Cloud Data, Ji-Sun Kim (CGIT), Ayat Mohammed (CS, ARC), Peter Sforza (CGIT), Joe Newman (CGIT), Thomas Tucker (ICAT), High Performance Computing Day poster presentation at Virginia Tech.
2015 Hicks, D., Ogle, T., & Tucker, T.(2015, March). Visualization as a Tool to Support the Inquiry Arc in Social Studies Education: Notes from the Field. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
2015 American Battle Monuments Commission, Volume 4, pg. 11 iBook, Transatlantic Teacher Scholar’s Project
2015 Meuse Argonne Battlefield 3D Visualizations,, Published on Oct 22, 2014, UNC/VT Transatlantic Teacher Scholar’s Project.
2015 ESM/BEAM newsletter article, September 5, 2014, pg. 12-13 Sound Leadership, Capturing Information on the Dynamics of How Bats Fly Together in a Swarm.
2014 College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Faculty Research Symposium, Celebrating 50 Years of Research. 1964 – 2014, pg. 166-67, Odd Fellow Hall Project.
2014 Virginia Tech Magazine, Fall 2014, pg.36-39, Exploring the Human-Animal Bond at Virginia Tech, Puppies in 3-D.
2014 Channel WDBJ 7, July 8, 2013, Blacksburg is Looking to Preserve African American History, Produced by Orlando Salinas.
2014 Collegiate Times, Tuesday, January 28, 2014, School of Visual Arts studies puppies for science, Page 1-2 (writer Emily Hughes).
2013 Improving Understanding of Early Behavioral Indicators of Lumbosacral Disease in Working Dogs using 3D Visualization of Skeletal Movements during Working Tasks: Feasibility Study, Jeryl C. Jones, Thomas J. Tucker, Joshua C. Tan, Bess J. Pierce, Judy L. Foxworth, Benjamin Long, Tisha A.M. Harper, Daniel Moreno, Journal of Veterinary Behavior (2013) 1-7.
2013 Virginia Tech News, December 6, 2013, Faculty Members Preserve Local History through Art and Technology, article and video produced by Scott Parker and Katie Gehrt (online article and video of the week on VT website and Virginia Tech Daily news and information for Virginia Tech Employees.
2013 Collegiate Times, Thursday, October 31, 2013 ICAT innovates at the nexus, article on ICAT Tech or Treat with photo of the projection mapping project.
2011 Exploring New Trends: Information-oriented Strategy and Technologies in Civil Engineering, Construction, Transportation and Environment, Tokyo, Japan pg 1-3.
2010 Forum 8 Design Festival 2010-3 Day Conference, Tokyo, Japan, November 18-20, 2010, pg. Day2_III-1-1.
2010 5th Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design ASCAAD Conference 2010 “Not Just Another Pretty Face” pg. 249-259.
2010 Kyoryo & Toshi Project (The Bridge & Urban Project Monthly), Volume 46. No. 5, 2010, pg. 37-39 Tokyo, Japan publication.
2009 Forum 8 Design Festival 2009-3 Day Conference, Tokyo, Japan, November 18-20, 2009, pg. 80-87.
2009 3D Realtime Virtual Reality, 10th UC-win/Road Conference, Tokyo, Japan, May 20, 2009, pg. 37-45.
2009 The Birmingham News, in the section “Play”, p. 8G, January 25, 2009, written by James R. Nelson under title ‘On the Cusp’.
2008 Digital Media and its applications in Cultural Heritage 2008 “Maya Simulations of Place, Space and Climate: Digital Media and Its use in Understanding Vernacular Architecture in the United Arab Emirates” pg. 545-560.
2007 Time Out magazine Dubai, Volume 7, Issue 20, p.49, May 2007, Meem Gallery exhibition.
2005 Created a Catalogue/DVD of the gallery exhibition of the Portable Gallery Project 2005.
2005 Gulf Coast Community College, “The Gull’s Cry”, Fall, 2005, Volume 48, Issue 2, “Thomas Tucker”, Art Show in Panama City, Florida.
2005 The News Herald Panama City, Florida, “The Entertainer”, Friday-Saturday, September 30-October 6, Focus 3, “Art, Animation”.
2005 The News Herald Panama City, Florida, Wednesday, October 5, 2005, Sec.7B, “Thomas Tucker Reinventing the Present: New Drawings and Animations”.
2005 Cue Gallery, New York City, NY catalog for the Joan Mitchell Foundation recipient show.
2005 Art in America, Artist Index Listing and Gallery & Museum Representation by Meramec Art Gallery in St.
Louis, Missouri.
2005 Art & Design Auction 2005 catalog, Kansas City Art Institute, p. 48.
2004 Khaleej Times, Tuesday, May 11, 2004, Volume 3, Issue 23.
2004 “Arty Dozen Get Total Attention” – Faculty members of the Zayed University showcase paintings at the Courtyard Gallery.
2017-18 Volvo Trucking project, working with Volvo Group Trucking based out of Dublin, VA in developing AR and VR solutions to design and implantation of their trucking line. We are currently working with a team of Virginia Tech faculty and students in developing new pipelines and interactive VR solutions for the future. Working in conjunction with Todd Ogle from VT and Steven Horton, Max Sikorski, and Jeffrey Pasciak from Volvo Manufacturing.
2017-18 Gilbane VR project, working with Gilbane Construction Company based out of Arlington, VA in developing AR and VR solutions to design and implantation of their building construction research development. We are currently working with a team of Virginia Tech faculty and students in developing new pipelines and interactive VR solutions for the future. Working in conjunction with Todd Ogle and DongSoo Choi from VT and David Childress Director of Interiors and Tim Welch Construction Executuve from Gilbane.
2016-2018 Worked with ICAT and DIAVOLO Dance Company based out of Los Angeles. We are working with the company to use motion capture systems, projection mapping, programmable LED lights for audience members and 3D modeling and fabrication of set design. I have also been working with Matthew Swarts from Georgia Tech in the development of programmable LED light in which a large audience can participate in the performance with hand held devices.
2014-17 Robot Projection Mapping Project, an interdisciplinary team comprised of designers and engineers meet weekly in an effort to expand the range of engaging participatory visual environments through projection mapping with robotic manipulators. This group has sought out, developed, or repurposed new tools and workflows that can exploit volumetric space and time when coupled to existing audio/visual resources. Source and destination space no longer need to be flat and static; participant experience no longer stationary and controlled. Digital visualization design tools have long blurred the boundaries of reality with precision and control exceeding the thresholds for human validation, without much consideration for an experiential environment beyond two-dimensional static visual surfaces. This research is demonstrating how advanced numeric control tools can be simultaneously considered and designed for use in real time-rendered audio/visual environmental experiences. Industrial manipulators tooled with complex volumetric surfaces can become integrated within a larger spatial environment, executing digitally defined movements synced with projected imagery and discretely sourced audio that permits dynamic audience participation and experience. The tools and workflows being developed are simultaneously leveraged towards expanding the scope of human-robot environments. Computational feedback systems are permitting real-time open-loop tool communication, diminishing the need for discrete path planning and strict environmental control by introducing object-relation coding structures that adapt to conditional changes. Participants: Thomas Tucker (College of Architecture & Urban Studies); Nathan King (College of Architecture & Urban Studies); Matthew Bender (Engineering); Dr. Kurdila (Engineering).
2016 Traveled to Shangdong University, in Jinan, China on June 1, 2016 through July 1, 2016, Collaborated with Rolf Mueller, Dr. Abaid, Dr. Kurdilla and Matthew Bender.
2015 Traveled to Shangdong University, in Jinan, China on June 1, 2015 through July 1, 2015, Collaborated with Rolf Mueller, Dr. Abaid, Dr. Kurdilla and Matthew Bender.
2014-16 As part of the TransAtlantic Teacher Scholars Project, I was part of a team from Virginia Tech to help create a 3D representation of a selection of sites important to the American story at the Meuse-Argonne. LIDAR, which illuminates an object with a laser, then analyzes the light that is reflected, was used to create 3D images of five sites at four locations. The resulting visualizations were intended to help viewers gain a spatial understanding of the sites and spark an interest in the greater narrative that the sites are a part of. This tour traces the generally northward movement of the American Expeditionary Force during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive of September 26th to November 11th, 1918. The sites scanned include the jump off point for the American 35th Division at Vauqous Hill, the ruined village of Montfaucon, the Côte Dame Marie, and the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery in Romagne where more than 14,200 Americans who lost their lives in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive rest to this day.
2014 Alberta College of Art and Design and Emerging Media, on October 3rd -8th 2014, Alberta, Canada invited as guest lecturer, projection mapping workshop and visiting artist. I presented my work with the ACAD students on projection mapping and other digital video presentation innovations, and 3D FARO scanning demonstration and 3D modeling of architecture and landscapes. ACAD also sponsored DongSoo Choi (SOVA Grad student) to help with scanning and projection mapping workshop.
2014 Jack Singer Auditorium, On October 6th -8th 2014, Alberta, Canada Scanned and processed the Jack Singer Theatre for the projection mapping performance. Data was used to determine proper projectors to use for the performance and figuring out complex surfaces to project on and animate. Collaborated with Alberta College of Art and Design students to animate for the performance with the Calgary Philharmonic
Orchaestra’s performance of Turangalila at Jack Singer Concert Hall. DongSoo Choi (SOVA Grad student/staff) helped with scanning and compiling all the scans into one point cloud.
2014 Traveled to Shangdong University, in Jinan, China on June 1, 2014 through July 1, 2014, Collaborated with Rolf Mueller, Dr. Abaid, Dr. Kurdilla and Matthew Bender. During my thirty-day summer research visit to Shandong University in Jinan, China, I helped gather and process 3D scan data at two cave sites. I also created over 12 bat marker schematics and conducted preliminary motion capture analysis. I assisted in CT scanning and retopologizing CT bat skeleton data and helped develop and set up a depth map capturing system. I assisted in the arrangement of the face motion capture slow motion system, created a 3D bat rig and animated preliminary data in Maya.
2013 Traveled to Calgary, Canada on May 27, 2013 Collaborated with Ron Hawker to scan several K’omoks villiages from the turn of the century in its original terrain and to analysis of its climactic performance and spatial syntax in relation to the social organization of the K’omoks people.
2013 Traveled to London and Paris, July 29 – August 1st, 2013 Collaborated with Ron Hawker and Dominic Marner to scan and digitally recreate the Cathedral St. Denis in Paris, France and Rippon Cathedral in Rippon, U.K. using the FARO Scanner.
Animation Programs
Maya, MotionBuilder, Z-brush, Mud box, Rhino, Lightwave, Softimage, 3/D StudioMax, RenderMan, Swift 3/D, Toonboom and Traditional 2/D animation skills
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Flash-MX, Director MX, Adobe Go Live, Premiere, After Effects
Post Production Tools
Final Cut Pro HD, DVD Studio Pro, Compressor, Color, Soundtrack Pro, Motion, After Effects, Commotion, Combustion, Shake, and Media Cleaner Pro
Scipt Languages
Action Script, Mel, Lingo, Perl, Java, and Access Certified programmer
Stamp Technology (with Basic coding), and EZIO board (with Lingo script/Director)
Artificial Intelligence Programs
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Applications
Oculus Rift, HTC VIVE, Microsoft HoloLens, UC-Win/Road and Metaio
Game Engines
Unity, Unreal, Torque game engine, Equiliveint
CT/MRI Applications
TeraRecon 3D, Mimics software
Laser Scanner Applications
Faro Laser Scanner and 3D software
With the sensory overload of information and ideas in today’s world, students are facing a challenging time in art and design. Many digital artists can become lost when it comes to encompassing their conceptual ideas and bringing them to the forefront. Challenged by technological hurdles, artists and students can quickly lose track of their true vision. As both a fine artist and a teacher of animation, it is my role to help students discover their vision and give them the tools to expound their ideas to the fullest.
I believe a multimedia professor needs an in-depth knowledge of motion graphics, gaming and 3D animation software and should have experience in both the commercial field and in the world of Fine Art in order to offer students an array of resources to help them find their artistic voice. As a practicing Fine Artist, I try to infuse my courses with a creative passion that I hope sparks imaginative and innovative notions in my students. At the same time, I also try to regularly share my experiences as a professional artist in the world of digital media and require of my students the same professionalism that is required of me in the field. In an environment of friendly competition, students learn to work both efficiently and to meet deadlines. Technical skills are built through hands-on projects involving creative inquiry, research, planning, problem identification and problem solving. Group critiques are also an integral part of the process because I feel it is important for students to look to one another for inspiration and to value each other’s opinions.
To keep up with the ever changing world of technology, I also feel it is also important for students to become self-directed, life long learners. My students are taught to access online resources where they can find answers to their questions, be exposed to new ideas and can keep abreast of new developments.
Another major role as an instructor is to prepare my students for the world of employment. Resume writing, field trips to professional animation studios, preparation and assessment of internships, creating electronic portfolios and working on professional projects outside the classroom are an integral part of my Internship coursework.
Today’s digital media artists face many challenges, but they also have numerous opportunities to practice their craft in a variety of settings. My role is not only to guide students, but to lead by example. My enthusiasm for this field requires that I myself keep pace with the technological evolution. Through my own research and practice in the field, I can encourage students to follow my lead, pursue their passion and find their place in the vast array of possibilities.
As a visual artist, I use new technologies to make invisible or immaterial subjects visible. I represent unseeable forces, structures, geometries, and histories. My applied research consists of projects ranging from virtual spatial environments, to groundbreaking scientific and historic visualizations, and dynamic interactive artworks. Transdisciplinary, cutting-edge collaborations across art, technology, the humanities, and the sciences drive my practice, and my research contributions reflect this critical centering. My creative achievements also shape and are shaped by my teaching and outreach.
My work as Creative Director for projects pioneering transdisciplinary collaboration provide successful models for integration of art, creative technology, and visualization across numerous research methodologies. In today’s post-disciplinary context, researchers increasingly need creative methodologies and technologies to visualize what they can’t create or represent in a typical university lab or other academic setting. Simultaneously, artists have an unprecedented opportunity to use emerging technologies to intersect in new, meaningful ways with countless research subjects. The consequential partnerships that fuel my practice directly inform my teaching and service. My students grow professionally as part of these research collaborations, and gain new creative research methodologies with each project they are involved in.
In my personal artwork, I visually describe and analyze how unique and impossible structures move in relation to each other and within their environment, and I create aesthetic rules that reject accepted understanding of physics and dimensionality. Audiences encounter these forms in motion through a combination of virtual animated media and physical installation. For example, the Sound Arcade, exhibited at the Smithsonian, consisted of projections onto large-scale objects covered in fabric. Audience members actively participated using electronic wands to manipulate the audio and video being displayed in real time. Another such project was Space Echoes, a fully immersive experience using 3D animations and 3D sound compositions presented in unison to create an other-worldly experience. The visual animations were projected onto a 16-foot tall, 40-foot wide Cyclorama screen. Audience members wore 3D goggles while listening to 3D musical compositions relayed from an array of 139 speakers, collectively creating a new kind of visual and auditory encounter.
My collaborative projects often integrate both research and education. For example, the VR Dog Project was a VR and AR project designed for clinical education by adding technology to the teaching of veterinary clinical skills to enhance student learning. In the WWI Cave VR Project, we combined ground-penetrating radar, photogrammetry, and laser scanning to create a digital recreation of the above and below ground features of craters, trenches, tunnels and galleries allowing participants to see Vauquois, a small village that was fiercely contested for four years during WWI by the French and Germans, as it has never been seen before. Animation, 360-degree video, and virtual reality tell the story in an immersive educational experience.
In the future I will continue to explore questions at the heart of my research, developing new processes and systems for visualization and sensorial experience, while also grappling with invisible and unseeable histories, subjects, and phenomena. I am also continuing my ambitious research contributions, leading endeavors within major collaborative transdisciplinary projects, and spearheading new kinds of artistic contribution within substantive applied research. I am pushing the limits of technological explorations, and I look forward to furthering these in ways that are meaningful for my community.
ART 3704-10827 Character Animation
ART 3704-10828 Video Game Design
ART 4544-10839 Video Game Design (Advanced)
ART 5704-10667 Character Animation (Graduate level)
ART 5704-19832 Video Game Design (Graduate level)
ART 3704-80780 Character Model & Sculpt
ART 4544-80792 Character Model & Sculpt (Advanced)
ART 5704-80811 Character Model & Sculpt (Graduate level)
ART 4544-80793 Lighting and Projection Map
ART 5724-80817 Lighting and Projection Map (Graduate level)
ART 5704-80812 Topics in Computer Animation (Graduate level)
ART 4544-90788 Compositing and Lighting
ART 5724-98905 Adv 3D Animation & Compositing
ART 5704 Character Animation (Graduate level)
ART 4544 Modeling Tools for Visualization
ART 5604 Grad Seminar
ART 2704 Intro to 3D Animation
ART 3704 Topics in Computer Animation
ART 5604 Creative Digital Technology in Arts & Design
ART 5964 Field Work/Practicum
ART 4544 Computer Animation Studio
ART 5704 3D Heritage Class
ART 5984 Special Study
University Committees and Service
2017-19 Member, Creative Technologies + Experiences Strategic Growth Area Committee
Member, Destination Area Committee.
2014-18 Member, Undergraduate Research Advisory Board
2018-22 Member, Council on VT History, Office of Strategic Affairs. Working with Todd Ogle, Paul Quigley, David Hicks, Doug Bowman (VR, AR and Projection mapping) and working with SOVA 3D Visualization class on “If This Place Could Talk: Visualizing 150 Years of Virginia Tech’s History.”
2016-18 Member, Undergraduate Research Advisory Board, part of the review and selection of Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Meeting of the Minds student representatives.
2017 Featured Artist. ACCelerate Projection Mapping Video presented and shown looping to Alumni Relations during the networking reception of 275 alumni members at the Westin Hotel in Washington D.C., October 6.
Featured Artist. Smithsonian Museum Projection Mapping Project was featured in the ICAT Cube Science Festival, November 4.
Participant, Get Ready: Lunch Pail, Virginia Tech’s new campaign ad that premiered at the homecoming game. Two of my students, Xindi Liu and Bredan Casey, and two research colleagues, Todd Ogle and David Hicks, were showcased in the final commercial video.
Presenter, ICAT Playdate, presentation on Visualizing World War I through Mixed Reality on October 20.
Invited Guest Speaker, Principal’s Tea for Honors College hosted by Pablo Tarazaga, the faculty principal, showcasing my recent collaborative research on November 10.
Co-teacher (with Todd Ogle, David Hicks, and David Cline). Taught a 3D Heritage class with the partnership of Smithfield Plantation and assistance of Provost Thanassis Rikakis. The course explored different technologies and approaches to preserving cultural heritage sites. The class was a combination of students and teachers from the disciplines of Education, History and SOVA that teamed up to create complex projects utilizing the latest in technology to preserve several historical sites in the area. The final project was exhibited in the ICAT Cube space
2016 Presenter (with Todd Ogle, David Cline, David Hicks), Smithfield Plantation. Presented to Dr. Laura Sands, Dr. Rikakis, P. Buckley Moss, Bill Foster, Ben Knapp, and Ruth Waalkes at a meeting at Smithfield to discuss our 3D Heritage Class preserving the Smithfield Plantation house.
Exhibitor, Exploring Local History at the Virginia Tech Library “The Christiansburg Institute and the CI-Spy Application”. The exhibit featured work from Virginia Tech’s Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies unit and the computer science, education, arts, and public history programs and an app developed around the history of the CI called CI-Spy.
Participant, ICAT Day with Moss Arts Center Projection Mapping on the grand staircase. By utilizing project light and imagery, and complemented by sound, guests who visited the Moss Arts Center experienced a study in aesthetic design that showcased the unique architecture of the building.
Presenter (with project mapping class students), demoed and showcased student projects in the Experience Studio to Dr. Sands and Dr. Rikakis during their visit to the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology.
Participant, Graduate Arts Council Mixer at the ICAT Cube in the Moss Arts Center. My recent research project Space Echoes was shown on the Cyclorama during the duration of the mixer event.
Keynote Presenter (with Carol Burch-Brown), DIAVOLO | Architecture in Motion, ICAT Day. Presented our projection mapping research, animation and shadow studies as part of a joint keynote presentation with members of DIAVOLO and the Technical Team at Virginia Tech.
Presenter (with Eric Lyon and two SOVA graduate students), “Community Meeting Lecture – A Virtual Reality Experience,” ICAT Learning Studio (Sandbox).
Presenter, with (David Hicks, David Cline, Todd Ogle, Thomas Tucker and two SOVA graduate students), “Community Meeting Lecture – Stepping into the Past through Visualization,” ICAT Learning Studio (Sandbox).
Presenter, College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Research Symposium – Robotic Projection Mapping, Project by Thomas Tucker, David Clark and Matthew Bender.
Presenter (with David Hicks, David Cline, and Todd Ogle), Innovation Space. Presented our VR and AR research.
Presenter, Meet the Makers, Newman Library Multipurpose Room. Presented my research from the last four years at Virginia Tech, April 26.
Presenter, “Cyclorama Demo” to The Elumenati and The Newseum, ICAT Cube.
Presenter (with Todd Ogle), “World War I Virtual Reality Project” to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Doug Wagoner, President and James Jackson, Senior Vice President.
2015 Hicks, D., Ogle, T., & Tucker, T. (2015). The Pedagogy in Practice. Presentation at the Center for Instructional Development and Education Research (CIDER Presentation). Responsible for 33%.
Kim, J., Mohammed, A., Sforza, P., Newman, J., & Tucker, T., (2015, April). “Exploratory Work to Understand the Potentials of Limits of LIDAR Points Cloud Data.” Poster session presented at The High Performance Computing Day, Blacksburg, VA. (Conference Poster Presentation) Responsible for 20%.
Presenter (with Todd Ogle, David Hicks, David Cline, Tom Sherman, Phat Nguyen, Daniel Monzel and 6 SOVA graduate students), “Community Meeting Lecture – 16 Squares AR and VR Project,” ICAT Learning Studio (Sandbox).
Presenter (with Todd Ogle, David Hicks, David Cline, Phat Nguyen), “Community Meeting Lecture – World War I Project,” ICAT Learning Studio (Sandbox).
Presenter (with Jeri Jones and Bess Pierce), “Community Meeting Lecture – Motion Capture Puppy Project,” ICAT Learning Studio (Sandbox).
Participant, Tech or Treat with ART: 3704, Character Modeling Class. Over 19 students participated in the Augmented Reality Scary Creatures exhibition table, October 20.
Presenter (with MFA graduate students Chip Clark and Matthew Yourshaw), Dr. Kurdila’s robotics classes ME4524 and ECE4704 (65 students). Presentation recruited students for fall and summarized our research for Projection Mapping Robot Project.
2014 Stage Designer, TEDxVirginiaTech. Projection mapping on auditorium balconies and on stage for opening introduction with names of each speaker (Arthur Conroy, Kelly Donoughe, Aki Ishida, Mohsin Kazmi, Brook Kennedy, Austin Larrowe, Roop Mahajan, Wornie Reed, Akshay Sharma and Joycelyn Wilson). Worked with TEDxVirginiaTech Steering Committee (30 committee members) and directly with Adam Soccolich, Assistant Director of Administrative Operations, ICAT.
Presenter (with Tom Sherman, Blacksburg Museum and Cultural Foundation), MA in Material Culture and Public Humanities class. Lecture about the Odd Fellows Hall project at Odd Fellows Hall site.
2013 Stage Designer, TedXVirginiaTech. Projection mapping onto Chevron shapes on stage for opening intro with names of each speaker (David Schmale, Patty Raun, Janine Davis, Chris Williams, Kailtin Shreckhise, Susan Duncan, Marc Edwards, Josh Jenkins, Scott Geller, Eric Hodges, John Carlin, Chelsea Cook, Wu Feng, Michael Blackwell, Amy Elliot and Perry Martin. Worked with TEDxVirginiaTech Steering Committee (30 committee members), and directly with Adam Soccolich, Assistant Director of Administrative Operations, ICAT and Mitzi Vernon, Industrial Designer. http://
2012 Participant, ICAT Friday meetings in all of the following collaborative studios: IDEA, IMAGE, IMPACT, IMPLEMENT, INTERACT.
College Committees and Service
2018-19 Participant, College of Architecture and Urban Studies Administrators Retreat.
2018 Participant, College of Architecture and Urban Studies Leadership workshop for directors and chairs.
2017 Participant, College of Architecture and Urban Studies Administrators Retreat.
Presenter. Presented a 30-minute overview of the MFA Creative Technologies program to Dean Blythe, describing our area: size, focus and highlights, the basic DNA of the area, the key competitors, and the primary change-horizons in the disciplinary area.
Presenter, Virginia Tech IDEAS Group within Interior Design in the School of Architecture + Design about my recent research in VR and AR on April 4 at Burruss Hall.
Presenter, “Space Echoes and 3D Working Dog Skeleton,” CAUS in the Cube, College of Architecture and Urban Studies Alumni Event at the Moss Arts Center on November 8.
Guest Lecturer (with Todd Ogle), Professor Trudy Becker’s History Survey class on our WWI VR research on December 5.
Guest Lecturer, Professor Ann-Marie Knoblauch’s ART 2385 (200 students) on 3D scanning research of St. Denis, Rippon, and Australia aboriginal cave painting sites on October 16.
2017-19 Member, Creative Technologies and Experiences Strategic Growth Area Committee.
2016-19 Member, College of Architecture and Urban Studies Honorifics Committee.
2017-18 Member, Destination Areas Committee.
2016 Guest Lecturer, Professor Bailey Van Hook’s MA ART 5205 class on the New Town/Odd Fellows Project at the Odd Fellows Hall, Blacksburg, VA.
Guest Lecturer, Professor Ann-Marie Knoblauch’s Art History Class (200 students) on 3D scanning research of St. Denis, Rippon, and Australia aboriginal cave painting sites.
2015 Guest Lecturer, Professor Bailey Van Hook’s MA class on the New Town/Odd Fellows Project at the Odd Fellows Hall, Blacksburg, VA.
Guest Lecturer, Professor Ann-Marie Knoblauch’s ART 2385 Class (200 students) on 3D scanning research of St. Denis, Rippon, and Australia aboriginal cave painting sites.
Guest Lecturer (with Todd Ogle), ART 5204 Material Culture and Public Humanities about the Odd Fellows Hall and 16 Squares Projects.
Representative, SOVA, discussion of Advanced Research Computing Information Technology, College of Architecture and Urban Studies Dean’s office.
2014 Member, Review Committee for Robert Schubert, Associate Dean of Research in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies.
Department Committees and Service
2012 -19 Participant, Senior Studio Critiques.
Participant, Master of Fine Art Critique.
2018-19 Chair, Creative Technologies BFA Program.
Chair, Search Committee for 3D position.
Member, Search Committee for 2D Motion Graphics position.
2017-19 Mentor, Promotion and Tenure for Katie Meaney and Zach Duer.
2016-19 Director, Creative Technologies MFA Program.
Member, SOVA XCOM.
Member, Executive Committee Promotion and Tenure.
Member, SOVA Curriculum Committee.
Member, Scholarship Committee. Participated in the undergraduate scholarship review and selection process.
2017-18 Member, Search Committee for SOVA Gaming Hiring Committee.
2012-18 Member, SOVA Portfolio Review Committee. Participated in the portfolio review and selection process.
2018 Member, SOVA Search Committee Charge Workshop hosted by Avery J. Bakeley, Assistant Director for Education, Outreach, and Conflict Resolution at Virginia Tech.
Developer, VR VIVE lab in my office to support student research/thesis for Yang Liu, Julie G, Derrick Wang, Mariah Flick, and Tim Loeschen.
2017 Developed internship with Forum 8 for Julian Le and Brendan Casey for Japan paid internship at the Forum 8 for 60 days .
Collaborator (with SOPA). Built camera equipment, space allocation (Cat Box in the library), computer purchases with VR/VIVE and PC computers with Zach Duer’s startup funds.
Worked on finding two additional Graduate Assistantship funding from Honors College for Hannah Comstock and CAUS for David Franusich.
Worked with MFA CT grad student in rebranding the MFA CT web site with video testimonials and new descriptions of our program. We also worked on print promotional material such as a 2-fold poster and 8-page brochure to use as hand out material to potential graduate students.
Organizer, visiting artist lecture and workshop by CGI/VFX artist Matthew Yourshaw on December 7 in Torgersen 1100.
Curator, 3D Character Modeling Printing Exhibit. Showcased student work from Fall 2017 Character and Advanced Character modeling classes on December 11 at the Virginia Tech, Library Multipurpose Room.
2016-17 Chair, SOVA Animation/Graphics Search Committee.
Chair, SOVA Gaming Search Committee.
2016 Member, Kevin Concannon’s (Directors) Five-Year Review Committee.
Member, SOVA Search Committee for Photography.
Director. Worked with MFA CT grad student in rebranding the MFA CT web site with video testimonials and new new descriptions of our program. We also worked on print promotional material such as a 2-fold poster and 8-page brochure to use as hand out material to potential graduate students.
Recipient, “Thank a Teacher” note from one of my students, highlighting the positive impact I have had on the student’s achievement and development. “Thank you, Thomas! Thanks a lot for your help to me during this semester! (Anonymous)”
Recipient, “Thank a Teacher” note from one of my students, highlighting the positive impact I have had on the student’s achievements and development. “Thank you Thomas! For all your help about my studies in the VT:) I really enjoy my studying time with you! (Anonymous)”
Feature Article on our ICAT Playdate presentation on “A Virtual Reality Experience” published in the Collegiate Times, Sunday, October 23, 2016
2015 Featured Artist. Artwork was selected to be the cover of the CAUS+effect postcard for the 2016 Annual Report for College of Architecture and Urban Studies
Collaborator (with Todd Ogle) to have Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies (TLOS) provide 20 iPods to SOVA.
Host, visiting artist Kurtis Lesick, Alberta College of Art (ACAD)
2014 Member, National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), part of affiliated SOVA faculty that helped create a curricular table for undergraduate classes to discuss NASAD accreditation.
Organizer, Artist talk by Ron Hawker, Associate Chair of the School of Critical and Creative Studies at the Alberta College of Art and Design in Calgary, Canada. I worked on scheduling and orchestrating the presentation for the SOVA department and setting up meetings with potential collaborators at ICAT.
Organizer, Artist talk by Matthew Swarts, Research Faculty in the College of Architecture at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, I worked on scheduling and orchestrating the presentation for the SOVA department and setting up meetings with SOVA department and setting up meetings with potential collaborators at ICAT.
Featured Artist, First Annual SOVA Shindig, Nano Pod: The Nano Pod Project exhibition in the VIP room. Consisted of video projection that maps complex animations onto 3D forms. The results create artificial intelligence sound and various levels of interaction.
2013 Organizer, Scholarship Award Party Showcase. Downloaded all 3D animation projects from our program and edited them together for a showcase presentation.
2012 Artist talk and Workshop by Tuck Tucker, director of SpongeBob, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. Worked on scheduling and orchestrating with Ben Knapp and Adam Soccolich at ICAT to bring in Tuck Tucker to visit and take part in the Institute for Creativity, Arts and Technology’s ArtsFusion seminar series.
ICAT Service
2015-19 ICAT Catalyst Affiliated Faculty Member.
2015-16 ICAT Fellow and Senior Fellow, Affiliated Faculty Member.
BIST Service
2015-19 Affiliated Faculty Member, Bionspired Science & Technology Center (BIST). The BIST center will provide a collaboration platform for a vigorous and highly interconnected research community in the interdisciplinary area between engineering and the life sciences.
Service that promotes diversity and inclusion
2018 Participant, SOVA Diversity Training workshops hosted by Michele Deramo, Director of the Diversity Education and Initiative at Virginia Tech.
2017 Participant, Diversity Advocate program online training hosted by the Office for Inclusion and Diversity at Virginia Tech.
Undergraduate Advising
2018 Pei Qiu. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
Brendan Casey. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
David Byrd. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation, gaming and HTV VIVE VR.
Derrick Wang PI. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation, gaming and HTV VIVE VR.
Alex Forlini. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling, 3D printing.
2017 Blair Retnauer. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation, gaming and Oculus VR.
Maggie Mitchell. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
Meaghan Curtis. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
2016 Petey Mainardi. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation, and gaming.
Xindi Li. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
Huy Ngo. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: drawing and 3D modeling and animation.
Michelle Vernon. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
Caitlin Werle. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
2015 Stuart Hill. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: projection mapping, drawing, 3D modeling and animation.
Carson Bendel. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation, sculpture and illustration.
Kevin Dickel. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: drawing and 2D animation, sound design and script.
Nichole Hartman. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation, construction and drawing.
Erica Kowalski. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation and laser cutting.
2014 Phat Ngyugen. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: augmented reality, 3D modeling and animation.
Justin-Sotile Jackson. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
Jeff Dera. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: projection mapping, particles animation, 3D modeling and animation.
2013 Phil Cho. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
Steve Ramberg. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: projection mapping, construction, 3D modeling and animation.
Co-Chaired Undergraduate Thesis and Exhibitions, Creative Technologies
2018 Cassidy McFarlane. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and jewelry making. (Changed mentors and senior project direction in Fall 2018).
2017 Tyler William Niskanen. Exhibition at Armory Gallery, Virginia Tech. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
Graduate Advising
2019 Mahshid Gorjian. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation and rendering.
Xindi Liu. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation, rendering, VIVE VR and animation.
Huy Ngo. Research focus: 3D scanning, 3D modeling, 3D printing, installation, VIVE VR and animation.
2018 Michelle Farber. Thesis title: Octavia. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
2017 Dongsoo Choi. Thesis title: Susannah. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation, projection mapping and programming for the Opera Roanoke, Susannah Opera.
Gwendolyn Sewell. Thesis title: Plumage. Research focus: 3D laser scanning, 3D modeling, animation, Unity Game programming in the ICAT Cube.
Fang Liu. Thesis title: Forbidden City: An Immersive Virtual Reality World Using the HTC VIVE to Explore the Real Imperial Palace of China. Research focus: 3D laser scanning, 3D modeling, animation, Unity Game programming in the ICAT Cube.
2016 Matthew Yourshaw. Thesis title: Orbital. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation, Unity Game programming in the Multi-Purpose Room in the Library.
Phat Nguyen. Thesis title: Imperceivable World. Research focus: 3D modeling and animation.
Zachary Bush. Thesis title: Calvary. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation, Unity Game programming in the ICAT Cube.
2015 Justin Fine. Thesis title: Artifacts of Kree. Research focus: gaming, coding, 3D modeling and animation.
Emilia Munoz. Thesis title: 3D Digitized Romanesue Ermita Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Anunciada in Virtual Reality. Research focus: 3D laser scanning, 3D modeling, animation, Unity Game programming in the ICAT Cube and summer internship working at the Smithsonian 3D scanning and retopologizing complex artifacts.
Tamar Peterson. Thesis title: The Beat’s Interior. Research focus: projection mapping, 3D modeling, animation, construction and interactivity with MAX/Jitter/MSP.
2014 Hadeel Ramandan. Thesis title: The Story of a Girl. Research focus: 3D laser scanning, 3D modeling, animation and summer internship working on the Odd Fellows Hall Project.
Co-Chaired MFA Thesis and Exhibitions, Creative Technologies
2018 Lucas Freeman. Thesis title: Alchemically: An Educational Role-Playing Game. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation and gaming.
Maureen Suess. Thesis title: Small Tales. Research focus: watercolor painting, 2D animation, Unity Game programming.
2017 Ellie Nikoo. Thesis title: Come with Me. Research focus: 3D animation, modeling, rigging and rendering.
Anirudh Mittra. Thesis title: Libero. Research focus: 2D animation, Unity Game programming.
Jingyi Liang. Thesis title: ‘ParkinVT: A Concept Mobile Application for Improved Parking at Virginia Tech. Research focus: projection mapping, 3D modeling, animation and app development.
Yang Liu. Thesis title: Renaissance of the Mogao Grotto. Research focus: projection mapping, 3D modeling and animation.
2015 Reza Tasooji. Thesis title: Desire and Hope. Research focus: 3D modeling, animation.
2014 Alison Kim. Thesis title: Writing Images: Blending Drawings and Code. Research focus: research with processing software, 3D modeling, and animation.
iPhD Advising
2020 Michael Rhodes. Research focus: 3D animation and 3D sound technologies. (Graduating Spring 2021)
2019 Lei Zhang. Research focus: technologies to enhance e-learning. (Graduating Fall 2019)
Jessie Mann. Research focus: technologies to enhance learning for people with disabilities. (Graduating Fall 2019)
ART 1315 Electronic Imaging
ART 2311 3-D Computer Modeling
ART 2336 Immersive Virtual Reality
ART 3312 Desktop Publishing I
ART 2335 Desktop Virtual Reality
ART 3333 Computer Animation I
ART 4311 Interactive Media Design
ART 3314 Desktop Publishing II
ART 3334 Computer Animation II
ART 3157 Portfolio Design
ART 4310 Multimedia Editing
ART 4316 Designing for the Web
ART 4391 Studio Problems I (Ind. Study)
Strategic Planning Council
Participated in developling the new WSSU strategic plan with the Robinson Group Consulting Inc.
Hiring Committee Chair
Chaired the graphic design search committee.
E-portfolio Committee
Developed an E-portfolio system through Blackboard and wrote steps involved in evaluation through a MALO review.
B.F.A committee
Wrote all the proposals, course descriptions and paradigms for the new BFA in graphic design and the new BFA in animation. Filled out all the Academic Standards and Curriculum Committee forms for new courses or combined courses.
Student Recruitment Committee:
Developed publicity material for the Visual Arts program by creating a poster campaign. Six posters have been developed, printed and framed for the Visual Arts hallway. Produced a DVD to showcase our students’ animations and experimental movies.
Mac Lab Coordinator
Coordinated writing all proposals for obtaining and acquiring all software and hardware for the Mac Lab. (Obtained quotes, created purchase forms, order forms and loaded and installed all software and hardware).
Assisted in developing the Center for Design Innovation’s strategic plan and aided in architectural ideas. Conducted workshops to its members to promote 3D technologies using Maya.
2/2 Program
Created and built a 2/2 outreach program along with Joseph Lopina coordinator of animation at North Carolina School of the Arts and Herb Burns from Forsyth Technical Community College.
Visual Arts Publicity
Developed publicity material for the Visual Arts Program.
ART 125 World Cultures in Art and Design
ART 251 Basic Graphic Design
ART 351 Graphic Design 1
ART 352 Graphic Design 2
ART 376 3D Modeling
ART 375 Virtual Environments/Game Design
ART 377 3D Animation 1
ART 378 3D Animation 2
ART 451 Graphic Design 3
ART-497A Advanced modeling with ZBrush
ART-497B Robotic Interactive Installation
ART 499 Capstone
ART 490 Internship
Department Criteria for Promotion and Tenure Committee
Worked extensively on setting up the criteria and the structure for promotion and tenure.
AAITAA/IT committee
Worked with IT staff to create rendering farm with new server system and to create the new Motion Graphics Lab at the new Zayed University campus.
Graduate committee
Assisted in creating a Zayed University MA degree in graphic design, animation, interior design, and gaming.
Student Recruitment Committee:
Produced and developed posters (D-0) and 2,000 three fold brochures for the Art & Design Department and promoted the Art & Design Department through series of lectures.
Exhibition Committee
Worked to arrange and hang shows around the Abu Dhabi campus for the students of ZU, Student Shows: “Font Project” and “Character Design 3D Show”
Exhibition committee
Miniature Chair Design Exhibition at Zayed University, Abu Dhabi campus. Worked with local curators to set up for the show, oversaw the printing of invitations to VIPs, organized insurance, delivery, transport, press release, pre and post debate with students, and participated in a full press coverage of the show.
Introduced German artist Rolf to faculty, students, the German Ambassador and to ADMF sponsors and Huda Kanoo for a lecture series.
Strategic Planning Committee
Helped with planning for 2003-2009 improvements for Graphic Design I, II, III courses, 3/D Animation, Web Design, Package Design and implementation for a robotics lab. Planned upgrading of the computer software and hardware in the Mac Labs.
International Exhibition planning Committee
Served on a committee to plan international exhibitions as a department.
Summer School Committee
Helped implement the 2004 ZU summer school program.
Task Force committee
The Task Force was composed of four faculty members from the College of Communication and Media Sciences and four faculty from the Department of Art & Design. In our discussions we examined areas of course overlap and determined that certain recommendations be made concerning some courses in the two programs.
Hiring committee
Assisted in hiring new faculty (Motion Graphics, and Graphic Design) for the Art & Design Department for 2004- 2006. This included video conferences and written evaluations of all the candidates.
Student Recruitment Committee
Lectured to various classes to provide additional information about Art & Design majors.
Lectured for the Art & Design Department on Major’s Day 2004-2006. Provided examples of student work from Interior Design, Graphic Design, 3D, and Photography.
Dart Program Committee
Organized scheduling of courses, dates, and recruitment of faculty to teach in the Dart Program.
IT committee
Helped write grant proposal for IT development within the Art & Design Department Curriculum Committees 2003-Present.
Curriculum Committee
Assisted in restructuring the Graphic Design, Video and 3D animation programs.
Program Revision Committee
Assisted with revising the 8 semester planner for Graphic Design and Video.
Faculty Development
Taught ZU Art & Design faculty Maya in a two week seminar. This included basics in polygonal modeling, IK chain system, UV mapping, dynamics, shape animation, and sub-divisional polygon modeling.
Set up internship sites for our Art & Design students. Assisted students in their end of the Internship presentations to administration and faculty demonstrating skills they achieved during the Internship.
R.A.K. Project
Completed a GPS survey of a terraced mountain village located in Ras al-Khaimah called Barama. The data from the survey was used as the basis for this animated reconstruction of the village. Students constructed three dimensional simulations of some sixty houses and the accompanying terraces and farm fields, rendered the external facades and added details, such as water pots and tools. Figures were then created to inhabit this virtual village based on historic photographs of the local tribes people.
Capstone Project
Developed course work for students to follow for their Capstone projects. Students varied from different departments within the Art & Design Department ranging from Interior Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Painting and 3D Animation.
Readiness Program
Developed a DVD cover and jacket for the Readiness Program. This was done in conjunction with my Graphic Design students. Over 5,000 were printed.
Worked on writing the MALO’s (learning outcomes) for motion graphic and graphic design concentration.
Documentation of Student Artwork and Projects by Faculty
Helped in documenting art work of faculty and students.
SAFE project (Literary Magazine)
Involved with the Safe design layout with my basic graphic design class. Coordinated all work from both campuses and archiving it electronically for print. Documented all work on the Abu Dhabi campus for the Safe project.
Continuing Education Courses – Outreach Program
Set up the DART program, which is brought forward through the community outreach program to teach 3/D (Maya) to UAE residents.
International Institution Links
Set up international dialogue with Frank Debose (Head Dean of the Graphic Design Department of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago) to create relationship with SAIC for the future masters program at ZU.
ADMF Foundations
Created a 3D animation to accompany a proposal to transform the National Theater into a gallery space.
Huda Kanoo Award
Helped with organizing and setting up the show and involved with the judging for the Huda Kanoo Award, to be awarded to a student for superior work.
ZU Magazine
Helped with the preliminary layout design for the entire magazine along with the head of Communications and the head of the Police Unit of Abu Dhabi (responsible for funding the project). Included several students in the initial process of creating layout designs for the magazine.
IT Help within the department
Served as a resource to faculty to assist them in learning software programs such as After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash.
Taught and developed teaching strategies for interior design class using Maya.
Developed a packet of DVD’s for learning tutorials recorded using Snap Z Pro.
Assisted Interior Design faculty with teaching the fundamentals of Maya and implementing modeling techniques for interior design.
Provided and created tutorials using Snap Z pro, interactive movies to help learn Maya features and projects related to her curriculum.
Departmental Events
Served as host for international visitors to represent how technology was being used at Zayed University. Visitors included: Dr. Abul Kalam, President of India; German Chancellor, Ambassador of Switzerland, Canadian Minister of Education, and International School of Wales delegate, David Smith.
Class Exhibition
Exhibition of Graphic Design I class in Garden Gallery which included the construction of wood display panels and production of promotional posters.
Edu-tech Exhibition
International Exhibition Center, Abu Dhabi – provided seven 3D animations for Plasma screen viewing with titles of the names of the participating students.
Parent’s Night (2003- 2006)
Served as a representative for the Art & Design department. Students’ animations are displayed from both campuses. Posters and examples of student work from graphic design are also displayed. Handed out 250 pamphlets and spoke to well over 200 prospective students along with their parents.
Online magazine
Worked with the ELC and Library in setting up an online magazine for the Readiness students. Helped promote a competition with Art & Design students to create a template for the online magazine and posters to advertise and attract students to participate.
MEADA, Middle East Art And Design Association
CAA, College Art Association
ISEA, Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts
SITE, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
ASCAD, Universities Art Association of Canada